Thank you for visiting my website! Please allow me to introduce myself.
I am Amy, the webmistress of Anathema and Black Jack fan extraordinare.
Nice to meet you! Hey... Wait a cotton-pickin' minute, here. Why is this place called "Anathema"? What the heck kinda name is that supposed to be? And what does it have to do with Black Jack? An anathema is a cursed and detested person, cast into exile from the rest of society... A taboo, as it were. And that is why I think it fits Black Jack like a glove. |
I mean... That's what he is... An
anathema. He has no medical license for whatever reason, charges astronomical
fees for each and every one of his operations, and is considered nothing
but an insult to the rest of the legal medical world. |
However awful that all seems to be,
Black Jack is still a man very compassionate and devoted to his patients.
He wants nothing more than to save the lives of those who come to him
for his help, no matter how high he charges them. |
[ I N T R O C O N T . --> ] |